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How to adjust the parameters of fiber laser cutting machine

The parameters affecting the laser cutting quality include: laser cutting height, laser cutting nozzle type, focusing position, laser cutting power, laser cutting frequency, laser cutting duty cycle, laser cutting air pressure and laser cutting speed. Hardware conditions include: protective lens, gas purity, plate quality, aggregation lens and collimator, etc.
When the quality of fiber laser cutting is weak, it is proposed to carry out routine inspection first. Generally, the main contents and sequence of inspection are:
1. The laser cutting height is proposed to be adjusted between 0.8 ~ 1.2mm. If the actual laser cutting height is not accurate, calibration shall be carried out.
2. Check whether the type and size of laser cutting copper nozzle are applied incorrectly. If the application is correct, check whether the copper nozzle is damaged.
3. For optical center detection, it is proposed to use laser cutting copper nozzle with diameter of 1.0. The focus of optical center detection shall be between - 1 and 1. At this time, the light spot is small and easy to observe.
4. Focus check whether the focus setting is correct. If the laser cutting head focuses automatically, be sure to use app to check whether the focus is correct.
5. Check whether the protective lens is clean, anhydrous, oil-free and slag free. Sometimes, due to the temperature and climate, the air is too cold, resulting in fogging of protective goggles.
After the above five items are correct, modify the parameters according to the laser cutting phenomenon of the optical fiber laser cutting machine.